Friday, October 16, 2009

Pregnancy 24 Weeks

I had my latest prenatal appointment yesterday at 24 weeks. Here's the latest statistics:
1. Blood pressure is great- no signs of preeclampsia. The doctor encouraged me that my chances of going to full-term are good.
2. Weight is good- I've gained 16 pounds so far, which is healthy for a person my size.
3. Baby is measuring great- even ahead of schedule, which I am very excited about. After having a 2 pound 8 ounce firstborn, knowing that our second child is growing well is a great joy.
4. I go for my next ultrasound in two weeks. It will be exciting to see our little boy again. They will be checking his size (which seems to be healthy) often to make sure my placenta is functioning properly (which could be an early indicator of preeclampsia).
5. Hope you enjoy the latest belly picture.


Melody said...

I am so thankful things are going well for you and this precious new baby!
I bet Austin is getting so excited! I hope God has plans for our paths to cross again some day so we can meet each other's little ones in person! :)

Kristen said...

Yay! I'm so glad you and baby #2 are doing well! : )