Monday, November 23, 2009

Austin- Monday Night

Austin's surgery went well. It was completed quickly this afternoon, and we have been in a private room with him since about 4 or 5 o'clock. He has had a hard time dealing with the effects of the anesthesia, however. Whenever any of the nurses need to give him medicine or do anything to him, he gets very agitated and volatile, which is problematic since he must remain flat at all times. This has required us to physically restrain him at times until he calms down. He hasn't slept at all since we woke up from the surgery this afternoon, so we are hoping that he can get some rest this evening and feel better tomorrow. He will need to lie flat until tomorrow afternoon when they will raise the head of his bed. He will probably start physical therapy on Wednesday. Please pray for us that Austin will sleep tonight so we can get some rest ourselves. It didn't work out for us to stay at the Ronald McDonald House, so Joseph and I are both sleeping at the hospital in less than ideal beds. However, it is for the best since Austin may be a bit too strong willed for one of us to handle by ourselves this evening. I will try to update again tomorrow.

1 comment:

The M Family said...

waiting for the next update about the night! we're praying for you guys! :)