Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Austin's Surgery

I have been waiting for weeks to share this news on our blog, and now we finally have a date on the calendar. Monday, November 23rd (Thanksgiving week), Austin will be having spinal surgery to correct a birth defect that we have recently been made aware of called a Tethered Cord. You can click on the words "Tethered Cord" in the preceding sentence to be directed to a website for a description of the condition. Basically, the surgeon has to cut a fatty string that is tying Austin's spinal cord down when it is suppose to be free moving at the bottom. They have to correct this now before it causes him serious problems as he grows. He will be in the hospital for a few days after the surgery and will need to rest for a few weeks after he comes home; however, he should be fine once the surgery is completed. I will post more details as I receive them from the surgeon's office. For now, you can pray for these specific things:

1. For the surgery itself, that the surgeon will be successful and that Austin will recover completely.
2. For Joseph and me, as we make preparations and as Joseph wraps up the semester at Southern.
3. For the pregnancy, that the baby and I will stay healthy through this time.

If you have any questions or would like additional details, feel free to contact me at


Kristen said...

Awe! we'll be praying for you and Austin!

jengrusy said...

you and your family are definitely in our prayers! I am putting the surgery date on our calender so that I can make sure to be available to help you in any way! I would love to be a visiting companion to you during Austin's surgery if you still need/want one! I pray that the Lord is giving you guys great peace and hope in Him during this stressful time.