Friday, November 20, 2009

Doctor Austin

We took Austin to Kosair today for an appointment with a child life specialist. She gave him a little patient that he could play with and lots of real medical stuff to use on the doll. He was especially enthralled with her stethoscope, so we took a little trip to Target after the appointment to find Austin a doctor kit.

Daddy helped work on the sock monkey while Austin took care of the doll.
We had an informative visit and were able to take a tour of the surgery floor.
After we register, Joseph and I will accompany Austin to the pre-op area where they will get him all ready for surgery.
During the surgery, we will wait with the rest of our family and friends out in the main waiting room. There is a new system they have recently put in place for parents to gain information about their child. Austin will have a special code, and different information will show up on a flat screen tv in the waiting room. It reminded me of the screens at the airport that tell you stats about your flight. We should be able to tell from that information when they begin and end surgery, etc. They also told us that we are free to ask for an update at any time throughout the day.
After the surgery, we will not be able to be with him until he wakes up and is taken to his hospital room. Immediately after surgery he will have his own nurse who will care for him in the post-op area. Austin is a heavy sleeper, so I don't imagine he will be waking up very quickly from the anesthesia. I'm sure it will be a long afternoon as we wait for him to wake up.
We were able to see one of the hospital rooms, which are quite spacious. Most of the rooms are private, and they all have their own bathroom. There is a little window seat where one of us can sleep at night that is about the size of a twin bed. We will probably make use of the Ronald McDonald house some as well. It is expected that he will be in the hospital for three days and nights. The first day he will be kept completely flat on his back, but after that physical therapy will start working with him pretty aggressively. The child life specialist warned us that this will not be pleasant for Austin. He is not going to want to get up and move because it will hurt. Please pray that God will be gracious to him as he recovers.


Casey said...

Praying for your family as you face this trying situation. May the Lord give you and your husband strength and wisdom and may He also grant Austin comfort as he goes through the surgery and recovery.

EJ and Grace said...

We are praying for you as you prepare to meet Austin's needs, praying for courage and strength for sweet little Austin, and praying even now for the physicians, surgeons, therapists and nurses that will care for him in the upcoming weeks. Love you all!